Work With Me

Want Jemma to speak within your community, at your event or on your podcast?


To your community


Whether it's your Facebook group, mastermind, membership or something else entirely, I LOVE speaking to new groups of people about being happier CEOs.

Presentations I deliver:

1. The Psychology of Success and Achievement

2. Building Resilience in Entrepreneurship

3. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

I can also create a bespoke workshop, presentation or webinar for your community.

Communities I've spoken to

Get in touch

On your podcast


If you have an audience of business owners that mostly work in the online space and care deeply about their purpose, wellbeing and alignment in business, I would love to speak on your podcast!

Topics I love to talk about:

1. Redefining Success: Beyond the Bottom Line

2. Finding Joy in the Journey of Entrepreneurship

3. Living Your Best Life as an Entrepreneur

4. My personal journey: You can hear more about The Ultimate CEO on the about page and I also have a private podcast you can access for free that will tell you more about about journey so far.

Listen to my own podcast

See me on these podcasts

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